Delivering More Midwife Kits Through Partnerships

In addition to the 853 kits we have delivered, and the 800 more we are hoping to provide to traditional midwives in communities throughout the state of Chiapas, Mexico, an additional 53 kits have been distributed to midwives in the municipality of Sitalá by organizations that make up the Alianza Crecer Juntos Sitalá (Grow Together Alliance in Sitalá). GPA forms part of this alliance, which is made up of diverse organizations that have come together to help improve the health and economic situation of vulnerable communities in the area by contributing their particular expertise. Member organizations include Conider, Dicadem, Aid to Artisans (ATA), Cántaro Azul, GPA and Fundación Leon XIII. Along with the kits delivered to midwives and community health promoters, the Alliance will deliver food supplies to 417 vulnerable families and provide support for creating economic activities for communities.