Check Out Our 2023 Annual Report
2 million people have better access to equitable care due to our programs
We’re delighted to share our 2023 Annual Report, the first report of its kind for us. You'll find highlights of some of our key accomplishments over the past year in advancing maternal and child health in Mexico and Guatemala.
Our programs have benefited over 2 million women, men and children with improved access to more equitable and respectful care. In 2023, GPA-trained midwives delivered 1,167 healthy babies and provided monthly prenatal care to 1,800 women. That’s more than three babies per day being delivered by a midwife we work with. We also trained 145 Community Health Promoters who are providing pediatric first aid, burn care, prenatal care, treating water-borne illnesses and more to vulnerable populations with little access to formal healthcare services. Nearly 90 percent of our funding was directed towards supporting our programs on the ground.
Most important are the individual lives affected by our work. In this report, you'll read about Florencia, a midwife for 50 years who has passed down her knowledge to her daughters, ensuring that future generations continue to provide essential maternal care in their community. You’ll also learn about Josefa, a traditional Indigenous midwife who proudly shares how she revived a newborn using neonatal resuscitation techniques learned in a GPA workshop. You can read about them and other passionate individuals who inspire us every day.
We are incredibly grateful to you for making this vital work possible. Many of you are friends, family, and individuals who believe that every mother and child deserves quality, respectful maternal and newborn care. If you haven’t yet done so, please consider donating to support our work. No amount is too small to make a difference!
We want to hear from you! Please download our 2023 Annual Report, and let us know what inspires you about this work.